A United Game, globally respected. From surviving to thriving...
From creating a new independent International Federation, and missing out on Paralympic Games inclusion, to the COVID-19 pandemic; IFCPF has been working tirelessly to survive during the challenging times since our inception. And while things in the world have changed, we remain constant in our belief that CP Football has the power to change lives for the better and create positive opportunities for persons with disabilities. We have not only survived, but we have achieved a lot in our first eight years and two tournament cycles...
Now, we must take action to change the narrative from surviving, and drive a thriving sport for the future.
Our Vision
CP Football - A United Game, Globally Respected
Our Mission
To harness the position and profile of IFCPF as a leading International Sport Federation; inspiring people to achieve their full potential through the sport of CP Football
Our Values
- Role modelling good governance through a transparent and democratic structure
- Safeguarding and protecting the game
- Embracing diversity through equality of opportunity
- A culture of responsibility and accountability
- Forming alliances with like-minded partners
- Solidarity through collaboration and shared resource
- Consulting and engaging with key stakeholders
- Respect for all members of the CP Football family
- Providing a clear structure for decision-making
- Inspiring individuals to join the CP Football Family
- Investing in the game to create a robust and sustainable future
- Shaping and influencing our long-term direction and success through strong leadership
- Enhancing & innovating in all that we do
- Showcasing the game through world-class events
- Measuring and evaluating our success to build for the future
- Placing football first above individual need
To reach the goals set in the Strategic Plan for 2024-2028, IFCPF has established seven priorities for CP Football. Each of these pillars is carefully constructed so the future of CP Football is built on a firm foundation, with our core values for Integrity, Unity, Leadership and Excellence clear in mind. The future of CP Football is looking bright. As IFCPF, we look forward to working with you, as we endeavor to bring together all members of the CP Football Family to deliver future success for our sport.
Our Strategic Priorities
- Growing participation across all levels and formats of the game
- Establishing a structure of competition, pathways and greater worldwide representation
- Showcasing sporting excellence through highly competitive events and participation of the world's best athletes
- Supporting the development of people in all roles of delivering the sport of CP Football
- Demonstrating clear, robust, accountable processes and policies
- Sharing our message and harnessing the potential of our global reach
- Building, nurturing and activating key partnerships
Bringing the plan to life
Officially formed in January 2015, CP Football became an independent sport after 37 years under the ‘Cerebral Palsy Sport and Recreation Association’ (CPISRA). Ever since we have been developing our sport to offer all members of the CP Football family a platform to fall in love with the game. Laying the foundations to grow participation, IFCPF have a range of programmes and initiatives focused on developing specific areas of the game and providing support to our membership.
We aim to bring this plan to life by further exploring:
- Our Programmes
- Management and Delivery
- Guiding Behaviours
- Measuring and Reporting
- Sustainability
- Funding