Classification Sanctions

IFCPF's Classification Committee takes decisions based on the specific circumstances of each case. Some decisions may be subject to appeal.

This information is provided as information for the general public. Only the decision as communicated to the concerned parties shall be deemed an official decision.

Please be aware that sanctions for Discipline and Clean Sports are recorded on separate pages.

Intentional Misrepresentation (IM)

The intentional Misrepresentation It is a disciplinary offence for an Athlete to intentionally misrepresent (either by act or omission) his or her skills and/or abilities and/or the degree or nature of Eligible Impairment during Athlete Evaluation and/or at any other point after the allocation of a Sport Class. This disciplinary offence has consequences such as disqualification, and sanctions for a period of time.

The following athletes or athlete support personnel have been sanctioned by the CC to a period of ineligibility for the disciplinary offence of Intentional Misrepresentation under the CP Football Classification Rules and Regulations:

Name (Family name, Given name) Nationality Sanction Period - from Until
Ezzatdoust Sehsari, Amirreza Islamic Republic of Iran January 1, 2018 December 31, 2018
Faraji, Saeid Islamic Republic of Iran January 1, 2023 December 31, 2025
Valencia Esguerra, Jhonier Andres Colombia November 30, 2022 November 30, 2023
Duran, Hans (coach) Colombia September 17, 2023 September 17, 2024
Bedenok, Serhii Ukraine June 14, 2023 June 14, 2025

Intentional Misrepresentation presents a major threat to the integrity of Classification and Para sport. IFCPF is concerned to protect their athletes and sports integrity where information is crucial to move closer to a fair playing field for all. Potential incidents must be investigated and, if clear evidence is available, disciplinary action must be taken. IFCPF invites anyone with relevant and genuine information about Intentional Misrepresentation to report those concerns to

Also, there is the possibility to send an anonymous report via the following link:




All the information will be processed and IFCPF will investigate the claims, collect information and analyzing the case. IFCPF understands that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision and the reports will be taken seriously the way in which everything is treated strictly confidential. Anyone can report Intentional Misrepresentation misconduct. If you have detected, identified, witnessed, or know of, or have reasonable grounds for suspecting that cheating has occurred, we encourage you to let us know. If you have information on bribery, corruption, or any other allegation that does not involve Intentional Misrepresentation, please report your information through the appropriate law enforcement agencies.