The International Federation of Cerebral Palsy Football (IFCPF) is committed to providing football in a fun, safe and respectful environment for all, and we acknowledge our duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of everyone involved in the sport of CP Football. We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and external regulatory body requirements.
Ensuring that Football is a Safe and Positive Experience for All
IFCPF aims to provide a central online hub of information and resources to enhance the knowledge, skills and practices in CP Football to build capacity for creating safer football environments so that all who play football are kept safe from any form of harm or abuse.
FIFA Guardians / Child Safeguarding Programme
As the global governing body for football, FIFA is committed to supporting its members to implement best practice to keep children safe and ensure involvement in football is fun for all. While FIFA does not control the day-to-day operations of our members, or their affiliated organisations and clubs who are independently organised, this toolkit sets minimum requirements for all members on child safeguarding.
Click here for FIFA Guardians / Child Safeguarding Programme
UEFA Child Safeguarding in Football

UEFA initiated this child safeguarding in football project in partnership with Terre des hommes aiming at improving safeguards for children in European football. The objective is to support UEFA’s national associations in their efforts and offer a consistent child safeguarding approach providing guidance, knowledge, skills and understanding of child safeguarding.
The programme focuses on:
- preventative actions – policies, practices and procedures – to mitigate the chances of harm occurring, and
- responsive actions, to ensure that incidents are handled appropriately.
Under this programme, the platform was created to offer visitors and members the opportunity to enhance their safeguarding knowledge.
Click here to access the UEFA Child Safeguarding in Football platform
UEFA Online Course: Awareness Raising On Child Safeguarding In Football

This awareness raising course on child safeguarding in football offers an induction to safeguarding and will be the starting point to reflect on how to keep children safe in football.
Click here to access the course
Contact IFCPF
Any concerns should be reported to IFCPF using established reporting lines.
- E-mail to
- Via the contact IFCPF Form, click the below button