12th CP Football International Trophy Ciutat de Barcelona
NewsThis year 2017, marks the 12th edition for The CP Football International Trophy “Ciutat de Barcelona."

From FECPC (Federaciรณ Esportiva Catalana de Paralรญtics Cerebrals)
This is one of the most representative development tournaments in Europe. Several International teams took part in this Trophy whose final target is to become an international reference for CP football. Every year the organization is trying to improve the competing conditions that increases the quality of the tournament while keeping the price low.
In the past ten years teams like the Netherlands, Finland, Venezuela, Canada, Ukraine, South Africa, Portugal, England, Tunis, Denmark, Northern Ireland and Ireland took part on our Trophy.
2017 is a big year for CP Football. There will be the 2017 World Championships in Argentina for the 16 qualyfied teams but "Ciutat de Barcelona" is probably one of the most important trophies outside the regular IFCPF tournaments and also counting for IFCPF ranking points. These time we registered a lot of countries interested to take part in our tournament and that's why our idea is to organize an 8 teams competition from Thursday to Sunday.
Tournament Schedule
Thursday 8th June 2017
10:30 am | CP United | Jordan |
12:30 pm | Finland | Chile |
16:00 pm | Ireland | Austria |
21:00 pm | Catalonia | Italy |
Friday 9th June 2017
10:30 am | CP United | Austria |
12:30 pm | Italy | Chile |
16:30 pm | Jordan | Ireland |
21:00 pm | Finland | Catalonia |
Saturday 10th June 2017
10:30 am | Jordan | Austria |
12:30 pm | Catalonia | Chile |
14:30 pm | Ireland | CP United |
16:30 pm | Italy | Finland |
Sunday 11th June 2017
10:30 am | 4th | 3rd |
12:30 pm | 2nd | 1st |

Competition Venue
CEM Clot de la Mel
Carrer d'Andrade, 40
Barcelona (08018)
933 90 92 15

Teams will be accommodated at Barcelona Sailing Hostel which counts with very good facilities including laundry service, gym and spinning room as well as meeting rooms.
Barcelona Sailing offers too other activities during your rest time like diving, windsurf or kite-surf.