Bringing together the IFCPF membership
NewsIFCPF successfully hosted its second General Assembly and Workshop in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 10th and 11th November 2018. Around 30 delegates from sixteen countries were present for the two day event.

Launch of 'This is CP Football'
The workshop programme was opened with the launch of IFCPF's new video about CP Football. Both a short 'Teaser Clip' of around 50 seconds and the full version 'This is CP Football' of 8 minutes were shared with the membership, before a full launch on and our social media platforms:

Workshops - 10 Nov
The workshop included presentations of the IFCPF’s strategic plan for 2019 – 2021, as well as information about the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games application. The delegates were divided into discussion groups by region which resulted in positive and innovative ideas to help build and strengthen IFCPF as a leading international federation.
The final presentation of the day was from the Local Organising Committee for the 2019 IFCPF World Cup. Further information will be shared following the conclusion of the 2018 IFCPF Asia-Oceania Championships which take place at the end of November.

General Assembly - 11 Nov
During the General Assembly elections were held for two vacant Board Member positions and the following people were elected:
Member at Large – Europe Region: Mr Pete Ackerley (England)
Member at Large – Africa Region: Mr Habib Samcha (Tunisia)
The General Assembly also approved that Dr Anna Ranganathan from Malaysia be co-opted to the Board until 2020 as a Member at Large.
The General Assembly approved that the position of CEO / Secretary General, held by Mr Sam Turner, be changed from an elected position on the Board to an appointed position to ensure continuity for the future.
IFCPF also introduced newly appointed Communications Manager, Mr Coen Kaaij, who will support IFCPF to continue to increase communications activities and plans for the future.
The minutes of the General Assembly will be tabled for approval at the next Board meeting on 5th December and then circulated to the members.
Thank you to our members
The IFCPF Board would like to thank each delegate that made an effort to attend the General Assembly. It was a wonderful platform to engage with our membership on a more personal level, and also for members to meet and discuss challenges and support one another. It is our hope that more member countries will make use of this opportunity in 2020, which will also be an election year for new Board members.