Build up to Pre-Paralympic Tournament
NewsComplex Esportiu Football Salou will receive from April 30 until May 7, the preparatory competition for the Paralympic Games Rio 2016

Next saturday 30th begin the most important competition of the year of football 7 for persons with cerebral palsy, before the JJPP of Rio: the IFCPF Pre-paralympic Tournament Salou 2016. The competition organized by International Federation of Cerebral Palsy Football (IFCPF) and the Federació Esportiva Catalana de Paralítics Cerebrals-FECPC, with the collaboration of Salou's Town hall, will take place in the Complex Esportiu Futbol Salou until May 7, dates in that the final will be played, to them 17:30h (foreseen hour).
The members of seven selections of football 7 most powerful of the world (Argentina, Brazil, Great Britain, Netherlands, Ireland, Ukraine and the United States) already are in Salou, city of the event. The first match will be celebrate next Saturday 30th at 18:15h with Ukraine and Netherlands selections, after inaugural ceremony, in the same Complex, at 17:00h, with the spectacle of the "Atabaladors de Salou", the group Breakers, and the "Club de Rítmica de Salou". The acces is free, and the organization expect the assistance of numerous public of the city and of the nearby sites, simultaneously emphasizes the important job of the group of volunteers of the event.
Besides the collaboration of Salou's gouvernment, the organization of IFCPF Pre-Paralympic Tournament is also possible thanks to general secretary of sport of Catalonia Gouvernment, of Catalonien sports Federations, Obra Social La Caixa, DBSchenker, Linde, the Federació Catalana de Futbol, Coca Cola, Viladrau, Auto88, Konika Minolta, Carhaus, Fundació Prevent, Tarragona 2017, Esclat, Mar Meneses, and Federació Catalana Tennis Taula.