Developing CP Football in Cordoba Argentina

Córdoba Sports Agency continues to focus on training as superador element in the field of sport and thus diagrammed theoretical and practical activities aimed at students and qualified in the field.
One of the most prominent speakers was Prof. Osvaldo Hernandez, coach of the national football team for people with cerebral palsy, called "The Tigers". His words aimed mainly at providing these new concepts in football for people with cerebral palsy, different categories of paralysis and how to work in these situations.
At the end of the day, Hernandez took stock of what happened:
"That the Cordoba Sports Agency provides this space is very important. If we want to grow in adapted sport, we need this, which addresses sport provinces help in this way, which is the best way to bond all and get many people involved. People came to learn and I as a trainer, can give things to them so they can be become better. "
The training is free of modality with a monthly meeting and is aimed at teachers, physical education students and linked to addressing people with disabilities races under the program "Córdoba includes you."
Silvio Tranquilli, member of board of the Agency, in charge of adapted sports area highlighted the large number of attendees who had the training:
"We had a good call. It is important the possibility for teachers to be part of this plan and to take it to your county, municipality or place of work, as it provides important information with the best trainers and coaches. "
Also, it was all planned for the future opening of school football for people with cerebral palsy who will work in Cordoba, located in the Estadio Mario Alberto Kempes and sports development centers.

Football Clinic 7 of cerebral palsy and launch of a new school of development in cordoba.
In the conference room of the Estadio Mario Alberto Kempes, was the provincial plan adapted sports training.
This training provided by the agency Cordoba Sports is free mode, with a monthly meeting and is aimed at teachers, students of physical education and careers related to the boarding of persons with disabilities.
The agenda was as follows:
• Public policies and adapted sports.
• New Paradigms of boarding in disability
• Management of organizations.
• Physical activity and sport for persons with intellectual disability, motor and sensory.
• Strategic planning and formulation of projects
• Training of volunteering in sport.
• Exchange of experiences family
• Functional classification for paralympic sports
• Training, methodology and progression.
• Methodological Strategies for the development of sports.
• Sport for people transplanted.
• Sports leadership and adapted sports.
Within the speakers that will be presented at the event, you will find the prof. Osvaldo Hernandez, who is the coach of the national football team for people with cerebral palsy, called "the tigers". The team will be in the next paralympic games in Rio de Janeiro.
Fundamentally, the teacher talked about football in cerebral palsy, pointing out what is precisely the paralysis, its development in our country, and the plan of action to develop. In addition, it introduced the different categories of paralysis.
The training is one of the pillars of the program "Cordoba includes you" of the agency Cordoba Sports, that offers different possibilities for making sport adapted throughout the province.