Kick-Off meeting to develop CP Football (female)
NewsCo-funded by the EU, our Erasmus+ ‘IFCPF Kickstart CP Football(f) project began with a Kick-Off meeting between all project partners in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Representatives of all project partners attended the two day meeting in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) for this initial Kick-Off meeting. The busy agenda included:
- Welcome and Introductions
- IFCPF Strategic Plan and Guiding Behaviours
- CP Footballf so far
- Partner presenttions on their current development of CP Footballf
- Themed discussions on the 7 themes of IFCPF's Strategic Plan about how to develop CP Footballf
- Familairisation with the project management tools
- Project Quality Management presentation by SPIN
- Next steps and future events
About the project
This small collaborative partnership 'IFCPF Kickstart CP Football (Female)' will last for 24 months and develop better understanding of how to develop CP Football for female players.
As a collaborative learning project, partners will be tasked with consulting their own target audience, developing activity plans and then delivering participant focused activities to gain insight into how we grow the sport of CP Football and female participation.
At the end of the project, a resource will be produced to be diseminated for the entire CP Football Family and Para sport community, giving guidance, case studies and best practice on developing sport for female players.
Project Timeline
Project Partners
CP Football(f) so far
- Recently IFCPF made the decision to amend our terminology in relation to football opportunities that are specific to male or female players. Text or event titles specifically referring to CP Football for male players will now use (male) and (m), and CP Football for female players will use (female) and (f).
- In June 2020, the inaugural ‘2020 IFCPF World Cup(f) will take place in Sant Cugat, Spain.
- In January 2020, this EU Co-funded Erasmus+ project began.
- As part of the 2020 updated sport rules, IFCPF introduced additional modifications for the development of CP Football (Female), introducing a 5-a-side format to support growth in participation and a structure for competition. Click here
- During 2019, CP Football(f) Regional Camps were held in Australia, the Netherlands and Trinidad & Tobago.
- At the 2018 CPISRA World Games, IFCPF held a CP Football (f) Development Camp
- In September 2017, development grants were awarded to five countries to support the development of participation opportunities for female players.
- In January 2017, the IFCPF Board announced a mixed-gender rule to support to support the inclusion of female players in CP Football opportunities.
- In August 2015, a development camp was planned to take place at the 2015 CPISRA World games, however a lack of participants meant it had to be cancelled.
See more in CP Football(f) here
IFCPF CP Football(f) Development Group
As part of our responsibility to develop CP Football opportunities for all members of the CP Football family, IFCPF have a development group of individuals from across all regions and areas of expertise. Through this group we consult with key individuals and their networks to ensure that the sport is developed in the way our players want to engage.
See the membership of the group here

CP Football Ambassadors
IFCPF wants to create connection with all member of our worldwide CP Football family, telling the stories of our players to inspire the next generation. Identifying individuals and sharing their achievements with all our supporters, will shine a spotlight on our players making them the face of CP Football.
Just like our approach to governance and development, IFCPF is committed to representation of people in all roles of delivering the sport of CP Football, especially highlighting people with impairments, regions of the world and gender.
We look forward to working with our ambassadors and supporters as we endeavour to bring together all members of the CP Football family to deliver future success for our sport.