New online learning course
NewsCo-funded by the EU, our small collaborative partnership 'IFCPF Kickstart CP Football (Female)' sought to develop better understanding of how to develop CP Football for female players.
As a collaborative learning project, partners were tasked with consulting their own target audience, developing activity plans and then delivering participant focused activities to gain insight into how we grow the sport of CP Football and female participation.
Find out more here: IFCPF KickStart CP Football (Female)

Online learning Course
We know there are an increasing number of IFCPF member organisations and football clubs that wish to grow female participation in CP Football.
Creating a fun, friendly, welcoming and inclusive environment is one of the best ways to get female players to join, and importantly, to keep coming back.
To help get you started, IFCPF have created this course with advice, guidance and learning from our recent EU project to help create a supportive and inclusive environment for women and girls to thrive.
This guide is based on research that has been carried out by talking to our members, clubs, players and supporters.
Together, let's make football a game for everyone to enjoy!
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Co-Funded by the European Union
This course has been created as part of IFCPF's Kickstart Female CP Football small collaborative project, which was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
IFCPF would like to thank our project partners for their valuable contributions to both the project and creation of this course