IFCPF Competitions โ€“ COVID-19 Situation

IFCPF Competitions โ€“ COVID-19 Situation


As a worldwide CP Football family, at this challenging time, the International Federation of Cerebral Palsy Football expresses our thoughts to all those affected by the COVID-19. We hope that we can play our part to protect not only those within our sport, but fulfill our social responsibility to the global community.


This is an update on our current position for upcoming IFCPF events in light of the global COVID-19 (Corona Virus) situation. The current WHO Risk Assessment has a Global Level of High.

At this time, all IFCPF tournaments mentioned below are to go ahead but we are working with the Local Organizing Committees (LOCs) to implement a ‘Strategic Risk Assessment and Management Plan’.

  • 2020 IFCPF Nations Cup(m)
  • 2020 IFCPF Champions League
  • 2020 IFCPF Nations Championships(m)
  • 2020 IFCPF World Cup(f)



IFCPF is monitoring the situation from information provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the global health organization. We advise all members to refer to the information and guidance provided by WHO, and your national / local government.

Daily situation reports produced by the WHO can be downloaded and viewed here: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports

Moving forward, IFCPF will maintain regular communication with all competing teams to work in partnership for the safety of athletes, and everyone involved in delivering the sport of CP Football.

We would appreciate all members sharing their national information with us to support IFCPF and LOCs to have the most up-to-date information and position for decision making.



We advise that members also monitor the situation closely, ensuring that you research the latest position on travel restrictions, and potential delays or disruptions to travel plans.

The WHO provide information and guidance in relation to COVID-19, particularly in relation to protecting yourself and preventing spread, here: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a- coronaviruses


Postponements and Cancellations

IFCPF is closely monitoring the situation together with our LOCs, referring to the recognized guidance from the WHO. We wish to provide reassurance that we seek to avoid disruption to events wherever possible, but ultimately the safety of all people involved in our events are our priority.

Our ‘Strategic Risk Assessment and Management Plan’ with each LOC will implement countermeasures for the protection of all involved in these events, with guidance from the WHO.

In relation to the 2020 IFCPF Nations Cup(m), IFCPF has set a final decision date for 1st April 2020 at our IFCPF Board meeting. Communication to all members will be communicated immediately after the meeting.

For our other events listed above, decision dates shall be communicated in due course.