News Archive
2018-05-27 UEFA Champions Festival unites people in Kiev News
IFCPF is delighted to have been involved in the UEFA Champions League Final activities in Kiev over the past week, promoting opportunities and showcasing the beautiful game of CP Football.
2018-05-24 CP Football Champions at UEFA Final News
The International Federation of CP Football (IFCPF) is pleased to promote CP Football opportunities and once again be involved with the activities of the UEFA Champions Festival ahead of the 2018 UEFA Champions League Final in Kiev.
2018-05-15 Developing the game together in West Asia News
The West Asia Para Federation support an IFCPF course from 9thto 11thMay to develop CP Football across the west Asia region.
2018-05-14 UEFA Social Responsibility report highlights achievements News
The fifth UEFA Football and Social Responsibility Report looks at UEFA's social responsibility achievements, as well as those of partner bodies, in the fields of diversity, inclusion, environment, health, peace and reconciliation, solidarity and fan dialogue.
2018-04-23 Growing the game for female players News
Female CP Football Development Grants In July 2017, IFCPF announced the opportunity for our members to apply for funding to deliver dedicated projects to develop Female CP Football opportunities in their country. "IFCPF believe that it is our responsibility to foster unity within the Cerebral Palsy Football family and to use the sport of CP Football to promote [more...]
2018-04-13 A professional approach to officiating News
by Julia Meredith Not everyone could say they are a researcher, professor, international referee, athlete all at one time, but for Dr. Skye Arthur-Banning, each is but a part of this life after his family. As the Head of Officiating for the International Federation of CP Football (IFCPF), he says that soccer officiating really began [more...]
2018-04-10 IFCPF Member Update Meetings News
The IFCPF Board are always seeking new opportunities to engage with our membership, sharing the latest updates and receiving valuable feedback.